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Monday, August 09, 2021

A Romantic Love Story to Share with Your Partner

Love Story of 2 Best friends.....

This is a story about two best friends who secretly loved each other and desired much more than just friendship. They were known to each other since their childhood and used to read in the same school.

Even after fifteen years they were still in love with each other and used to meet quite often. When they met they talked about everything excepting for one secret which was their feeling of affection towards each other. The girl talked about her aspirations and dreams and the big day when she would marry. Each time the guy used to hear these words, he would think to himself “I want to that guy who will marry you.” But the boy never knew that at exactly the same time he thought these words the girl would also be thinking “Why don’t you stop me… just tell me you want to be that guy … and utter those three magical words…which would mean everything to me…”

One morning the boy heard his phone ringing and was thrilled to find that it was none other than the girl whom he loved so much. She requested him to meet her at the park and the boy got dressed quickly and rushed to the park.

The girl was sitting there and sobbing. As the boy wiped away her tears, she started to speak that she was looking for that person who would love her forever and would never let her go and she also added that she realized everything she was searching for was right beside her The boy also expressed his feelings for her and then at the same time they both said “I love you”. Then they both smiled and enjoyed each other’s company till the sun set and the boy escorted the girl to her house and they bid goodnight to each other.

That night, the girl received a call on her mobile and found her friend on the other end of the phone. The boy sighed and told the girl that he was going to leave for America early next morning and was not sure when he would come back. He tried to console the girl who was in a state of shock and disbelief. Then he hung up the phone leaving the girl motionless and gasping for breath.

Next morning she got a letter from her mother who told her that a young guy dropped it just a few minutes back and said he really wanted the girl to go through the letter. Unfortunately, the girl lacked the strength to open the letter and she left it in her diary by her bedside table.

After a few months, the guy wasn’t on her mind too much, but still she thought about him from time to time slowly those few months turned into years and even after five years she never found a guy that would be able to fill his shoes. Finally, she was able to move on and soon after completed her graduation and after a long time it seemed that she was truly happy.

Then suddenly one day the doorbell rang and as she opened the door she found that the guy from all those years back, the man of her dreams was standing in front of her The young man asked the girl whether she had read his letter. The girl raced to her bedside tables and found it in her diary where she had left it all those years before. She quickly returned to the door and after opening the letter she scanned through it quickly. She read the words at the very bottom which said, “Please don’t lose this letter, I’ll be back for it one day”. She looked up and for what it seemed like eternity, they stared into each other’s eyes and at the same time they both said, “I love you“.

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