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Saturday, August 14, 2021

Green tea and its uses/causes...

Green Tea and Its Uses / Causes ... 

Green tea is a refreshing, energizing drink that is loaded with some antioxidants and goblin nutrients. 

It helps your body in several ways including weight loss, reduces the risk of non-cancer to 100% (anti-cancer) and also improves brain function. 

Green tea benefits..

There are 4 amazing green tea health benefits listed below and confirmed in research studies. 

1. Contains various bioactive compounds that can improve your health in many ways 

There are few essential bioactive compounds in tea leaves, but they don't make it into the finished drink or tea, which also has large amounts of important nutrients in it is loaded with some polyphenols like flavonoids and catechism that act like powerful antioxidants. 

These substances can also reduce the formation of free radicals in the human body and protect cells and molecules from undesired damage. These free radicals are known to play a role in premature aging and other diseases of all kinds. 

Most powerful compounds in green tea is  antioxidant epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been studied to treat a variety of diseases and may be one of the main reasons that green tea has powerful medicinal properties. 

You have chosen the best quality because some of the low quality brands may contain excessive amounts of fluoride which is not good for your health. 

2. Some of the compounds in green tea can improve brain function and make you smarter. 

Green tea not only keeps you awake, it can also make you smarter, more active and more alert. 

The main active ingredient in green tea is caffeine, which is also known as a stimulant. Green tea benefits...

Green tea does not contain an excessive amount of coffee, but it does contain enough to provide a good amount without causing the "jitter" effects associated with excessive amounts of hard caffeine. 

Caffeine always blocks  inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine in the brain. It actually increases the activation of neurons and therefore the concentration of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. Brain function, including improved mood, alertness, reaction time and memory, etc. 

Mainly ... green tea contains more than just caffeine. It contains the amino acid ltreonine, which can also cross the blood-brain barrier LT. Hyamine increases the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which has some anxiolytic effects. It also increases (exceeds) dopamine, and therefore the production of alpha waves in the brain. 

Study results show that caffeine and thiamine can have synergistic effects. The combination of the two is particularly powerful in intelligently improving brain function. 

Because of the lthreonine and thus the lower dose of caffeine, tea can offer you a much milder and different effect than coffee. 

people who have constant discomfort say that when they drink green tea they get stable energy and feel a lot more activity / freshness compared to coffee. 

Conclusion: Green tea contains significantly less caffeine than coffee, but is sufficient to produce effective freshness after exhaustion. It contains a small amount of amino-alkanoic acid lthreonine, which can work with caffeine for intelligent brain function. 

In a study of 10 healthy people, green tea increased energy expenditure by 4%. Another study showed that fat oxidation also increased by about 17%.This indicates that green tea also increases fat burning. Green tea nutrition facts...

Point out that some studies of tea do not show an increase in a person's metabolism, so the effects of tea may only depend on the person. It has been shown that caffeine itself increases physical performance by reducing fatty acids from adipose tissue and making them available as energy. In two separate review studies, caffeine was shown to increase physical performance by 12%.

3. Antioxidants in tea May Lower Your Risk of varied sorts of Cancer. Cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of unnecessary cells. It is one among the world’s leading causes of death. It is documented that oxidative damage contributes to the event of cancer which antioxidants can have a protective effect. Green tea is a superb powerful antioxidants, so it could reduce your risk of being cancer patient, which it appears to do: 

Breast cancer: A meta-analysis of observational studies found that ladies who drank the foremost tea had a 22% lower risk of developing carcinoma , the foremost common cancer in women. 

Colorectal cancer: A study shows that Chinese women found that tea drinkers had a 57% lower risk of colorectal cancer.

4. tea will increase Fat Burning and Improves Physical Performance

If you examine the ingredients list for any fat burning supplement, likelihood is that that that tea have gotten to induce on there.

This is as a result of tea has been shown to extend fat burning and boost the speed , in human controlled trials.

In one study in ten healthy men, tea redoubled energy expenditure by four-dimensional.

Another study showed that fat chemical reaction was redoubled by terrorist organization, indicating that tea could by selection increase the burning of fat.

However, I’d want to means that some studies on tea don’t show any increase in metabolism, thus the implications could rely on the individual .

Caffeine itself has additionally been shown to bolster physical performance by mobilizing fatty acids from the fat tissues and creating them out there to be used as energy.

In 2 separate review studies, alkaloid has been shown to extend physical performance by 11-12%, on the standard .

Bottom Line: tea has been shown to spice up the speed and increase fat burning inside the short term, though not all studies agree.

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